全麥無花果忌廉芝士歐包 | Whole Wheat Fig & Cream Cheese Bread
上課時間:約 3 - 3.5小時
Duration:3 - 3.5hours
無花果的營養價值相當多,尤其是其鐵、鈣以及鉀的含量都相當高,所以被冠上「超級食物」的美名。相傳在古希臘時, 無花果更被奧林匹克運動員當作訓練時必備的水果!
Fig, with its impressive nutritional value, is crowned superfood. It is outstandingly rich in iron, calcium and potassium, which explains why Olympic athletes in Ancient Greece had figs in their daily meals!
Its subtle sweetness with a hint of berry makes it a perfect match for this whole wheat bread. The stuffed cream cheese also goes well with the spongy texture (need not worry about the usual dense and soggy whole wheat bread texture!)
Join and you will know that healthy breads can also taste super duper good!
*Please note that due to different season, instructor may use other fruit for filling without further notice.
*Students are welcome to bring their own ice pack.
*Particular procedures will be proceeded by participants as team or demonstrated by Instructor
8-10 participants
6 pcs of bread/ participant
Help save the environment, we encourage participants bring along reusable packing box for the finished products.

Iris Wong

- 放棄安逸穩定的辦公室生活,選擇追尋烘焙夢的90後女生
- 希望可透過分享烘焙的樂趣以及新鮮的麵包為大家帶來幸福
- 畢業於香港RISE烘焙證書課程,師承法國主廚Chef Stéphane Reinat
- 畢業於日本東京藍帶烘焙文憑,師承法國主廚Chef Manuel Robert
- 曾赴台灣向烘焙名師吳克己深造麵包烘焙技巧
- 曾於香港不同著名烘焙店工作
- 2018年開始@hengfookbakery Instagram專頁分享烘焙心得及成果
- Having always harboured a great passion in boulangerie, Iris, a post-90s girl, decided to quit her stable office job in pursuit of her baking dream
- Wishes to share the happiness of baking with all of you in this hustle and bustle 
- Graduated from RISE Professional Boulangerie Program
- Graduated from Le Cordon Bleu Tokyo Diploma in Boulangerie
- Worked in different renowned local bakeries
- Started her own Instagram blog @hengfookbakery in 2018 to share her baking journey
