迷你草莓雪山撻 | Petite Strawberry Mont Blanc Tart
迷你草莓雪山撻 | Petite Strawberry Mont Blanc Tart 迷你草莓雪山撻 | Petite Strawberry Mont Blanc Tart 迷你草莓雪山撻 | Petite Strawberry Mont Blanc Tart 迷你草莓雪山撻 | Petite Strawberry Mont Blanc Tart
上課時間:約 3.5 小時
Duration:around 3.5 hours
草莓雪山是由經典的栗子雪山Mont Blanc演變而來。

This Strawberry Mont Blanc tart is a reform of the classic French dessert - “Mont Blanc”, in which we use strawberry for a refreshing taste.

A crispy tart base, filled with rich dark chocolate ganache and fresh strawberry, and decorated with a smooth strawberry cream in mont blanc piping technique.
*所有報名經確認後恕不能更改或取消, 謝謝見諒。
*All registrations are not allowed to reschedule / cancelled after confirmation.
*Please note that due to different season, instructor may use other fruit for filling without further notice.
*Students are welcome to bring their own ice pack.
*Particular procedures will be proceeded by participants as team or demonstrated by Instructor
8-10 participants
6 petite tarts/ participant
為支持環保,希望同學能自備保鮮盒 (不少於 7”闊 x 10”長 x 4”高)
Help save the environment, we encourage participants bring along reusable packing box for the finished products.
Recommend box size : 7” width x 10” length x 5” height