開心果紅桑莓巴黎泡芙圈 | Pistachio & Raspberry Paris-Brest
Eva Chan

上課時間:約 3小時
Duration:3 hours
泡芙是一款很神奇的甜點,可以是小小一顆蓬鬆圓球、可以是如修長手指般的閃電 Éclair,也可以做成以單車車輪為靈感創作的經典法國甜點 — 巴黎泡芙圈 Paris Brest,以手製的開心果醬做成幼滑忌廉,配上酸甜的紅桑莓和外脆内軟的泡芙,多重味道的享受。
This class will show you how to make the classic French pastry – pâte a choux, handmade pistachio praliné, cookie crust and pistachio mousseline cream.
Eva will also show you how to use the same recipe in making another savoury cheese puff as tea time snack!
*所有報名經確認後恕不能更改或取消, 謝謝見諒。
*All registrations are not allowed to reschedule / cancelled after confirmation.
*Please note that due to different season, instructor may use other fruit for filling without further notice.
*Students are welcome to bring their own ice pack.
*Particular procedures will be proceeded by participants as team or demonstrated by Instructor
8-10 participants
每位可帶走4件 迷你巴黎泡芙圈
4pcs of Mini Paris Brest/ participant
6”闊 x 6”長 x 5”高的保鮮盒。
Help save the environment, we encourage participants bring along reusable packing box for the finished products.
Recommend box size : 6” width x 6” length x 5” height